I had a good CLM yesterday at work. I have a kind boss who likes to buy us assistants up here in the executive office flowers. Last week he came back from the farmers market with 2 wonderful bouquets of lilies and gerber daisies. So nice. Yesterday at work, the flowers had met the end of their existence, time to go! So I took my vase with my flowers into the breakroom to chuck them. On my way through the door, something brushed my face, but I didn't think anything of it. I'm talking with a coworker about his lack of office participation. Instead of buying one of the water bottles with a court logo that I'm trying to force everyone to buy, he went off and bought a more expensive one! How rude. Then our conversation was done. Well, another coworker, who never holds back what he's thinking, walks in and proceeds to make funny faces at me and then asks..."What's all over your face?" I wiped my hand across my chin and saw orange and yellow powder/dye on my hand!! Those stupid flowers had exploded pollen all over my face. I ran to the mirror in the break room and saw, to my horror, yellow splotches and one big one going from my cheek bone down to my jaw and chin. Thank you, coworker #2 for telling me, and shame on coworker #1 for not! I would have walked out of that room to work with yellow powder all over me! He has 2 strikes against him and can't afford another one. I never want lillies again...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
CLM....another goodie
Posted by
lisa c.
1:17 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Next one...
So, in a couple days I will be flying home for Christensen wedding #2 this year. Brittany and Gabe get married on Saturday in Oakland. I finished making the jewelry for all the bridesmaids(thanks to Bryonny, this was not the scary, incompetency-with- small-objects-event I thought it would be). This wedding will take place in June, a possibly hot time of year in Concord, hopefully we won't melt. I haven't checked up on the forecast, but I just remember the end of the school year being so hot I thought my sneakers would melt! At age 9 when walking home, it was SOOOOO HOOOOTTTT! But hopefully, we'll have perfect weather.
The next dilemma is how to do my hair for Brittany and Gabe's big day...I know, such a big decision, it could make or break the day:)
Celia-how's the other bookend doing?
Posted by
lisa c.
12:59 PM
Reception fun...
So at Kiel and Melissa's reception, they had a cool photo booth! Celia and I took some photos, here's a sampling...
I thought it was a fun idea to do this in lieu of a book to sign. And it was the favor as well, you came away with 4 photos of your own! Melissa, great idea!
Posted by
lisa c.
12:53 PM
Kiel and Melissa!
So, I'm so late on blogging about this special day, but my brother was married on April 25th to Melissa (yay for new sister!). It was a wonderful day and great to be in the temple with these two along with family and friends. The day turned out to be gorgeous with the perfect backdrop of the temple and the beautiful grounds. The reception was fun as well. One down this year...another to come...
Posted by
lisa c.
12:48 PM