The election season is coming to a close. Next Tuesday Californian's will vote either Yes or No on Proposition 8. And this week a friend of mine reminded me of what this is all really about. For some it's about the legalities of marriage. For those who are no on Prop 8 it may be that they feel rights are being taken away, or that we are discriminating against a group of people who happen to be different than many of us. I can see the arguments from both sides and agree wholeheartedly with Yes on Prop 8 for one reason. Marriage between a man and a woman is a sacred relationship that is at the heart of the Plan of Salvation that Heavenly Father has given us. Families are fundamental to this plan. And families started in a temple is the ultimate goal. If a marriage between ANY two people is allowed, churches could be sued and told by the government to perform marriages that may go against the belief of the church, under a governmental mandate that we can't discriminate who we marry. So for me, this is a vote to keep the family instituted by God the way he created it, between a man and a woman, with the possibility of being married in the temple and continuing for all time. That's what it's about.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Just a few more days...
Posted by
lisa c.
8:40 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
CLM #3
Haven't had a good one in a while, but here's one for the books. Luckily, I was alone with this happened. I was at work...picture it, me in the Executive office, my co worker was gone for the week. I was working in our side room when I felt my heel catch on my probably too-wide-leg dress pants (love them though). Can you picture me tripping and falling to the floor (so far, work has only gotten a glimpse of how accident prone I can be, thankfully). So I tripped, and ripped the hem undone from my pants. I luckily found a safety pin and temporarily hemmed my pants until I could do it at home. And I'm wearing the pants again today:)
Posted by
lisa c.
1:26 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Prop 8 calling gems!
The CA YSA's have been given the challenge to call 1 million voters before election day. I've called last night and tonight and plan on tomorrow night and many more times before election day. But in my two nights of political telemarketing, I've come across some little gems.
1. This can be really boring. I remember doing telemarketing in college and now remember why I didn't stick with that job.
2. Voice is gone by 2nd hour of 2nd day...fabulous. Your boss thinks your sick though, maybe he'll send you home:)
3. Confidence in humanity has been somewhat restored...i was afraid there for a while.
4. "She don't tell me, I don't tell her, so we don't tell you." has been my favorite line so far. Thanks for your time sir!!
5. How late is too late to call someone? I went until 8:40pm tonight and after 5 people in a row told me I was calling too late, I believed them and decided I was done.(I really do want to know the answer to this one, so please, let me know your too late to call times, when do you not answer your phone?)
6. Apparently 1,000 cell phone minutes isn't as much as I thought it was. I will never telemarket over my cell phone again:)
7. I've gotten a few peeps tell me I should be ashamed of myself for voting yes. Oh well, again, 'Thanks sir for your time, have a good night." I can live with myself still in the morning.
But for the most part, it's been pretty positive, I hope this gives others some hope!
Posted by
lisa c.
8:47 PM
Life's a Dance...
A friend of mine sent me this picture...if people got along like this, maybe the world in general would be a better place:)
I actually think this is the couple that voted off last night...hmmm.
Posted by
lisa c.
8:44 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Check out this blog, it's a great legal review of Prop 8...
This blog is a really good LEGAL overview of why someone should consider voting yes on Prop. 8. There are the moral and social issues, but his blog gives a clear legal review regarding the constitutionality of this proposition and why voting no will be a detriment to all, even those who want it to fail.
As a side note, the other night I was out with a few friends putting up Yes on Prop 8 signs. I find it amazing how intolerant some people can be. I'm getting bashed for being intolerant of other's lifestyles by voting yes on prop 8, but isn't someone else being intolerant when they yell swear words and other obscenities at me when I'm putting up signs? If this whole argument is about tolerance, than it needs to go both ways people!
Posted by
lisa c.
10:17 AM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Californian's Speak Out
Here is an article on, the main site for those supporting Proposition 8:
I am proud of the students at American River College for taking this to a vote and deciding within their schools democratic system to support this initiative. When the people speak out, great things can happen. keep up the support!
(Another website:, set up by the LDS church)
Traditional Marriage Initiative Makes Gains with Young Voters
October 10, 2008
By Trish Teves
Christian Newswire
CALIFORNIA, Oct. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- In what some may consider a surprising turn of events, Yes on 8 is gaining ground among young voters according to a poll conducted over the weekend by SurveyUSA on behalf of four California television stations. The poll shows a sharp uptick in support for Proposition 8, with 47% for Yes, 42% for No, and 10% undecided. The new poll shows some of the strongest support among young voters, those aged 18 to 34, a group that previous polls had shown to favor same-sex marriage. The subsample of voters between 18 and 34 support Prop. 8 by a considerably larger margin of 53% to 39%.
"Although the polling results might change some, we're glad to see those numbers. Young people are a vital part of the effort to protect traditional marriage," said Yes on 8 Co- Campaign Manager Frank Schubert. "People of all ages are recognizing the serious negative consequences if Prop. 8 fails."
* * *
Expressing concerns about the consequences to education if Prop. 8 fails, the student council of the largest community college in California has voted to back the initiative. By an 8-3 vote with three abstentions, the American River College student council voted to support Prop. 8. Opponents of Prop. 8 cursed, shouted, and tried to intimidate the student council in the lawful execution of their student government rights and responsibilities. But the council sent a strong message that the values and free expression of those supporting Prop. 8 will not be intimidated by intolerant opponents.
According to the Sacramento Bee, student council member Viktor Choban, 25, said he voted his conscience. "This resolution has everything to do with education because it affects all the public schools and colleges," the Bee quoted Choban as saying. "If Proposition 8 fails, schools will absolutely be required to teach that gay marriage is equal to normal marriage, thereby confusing students and children about the most basic rules of men and women in society."
Choban was cursed and shouted at by some of the 200 students in the audience when he told his fellow councilmembers, "don't be intimidated." The Bee quoted Choban as saying of Prop. 8 opponents, "They're the aggressors. They won't tolerate my opinions."
* * *
Tapping into the surge of interest in the election among young voters, Prop. 8 supporters have launched, a new website designed to educate and motivate young people about Prop. 8. is geared toward teenagers and young adults from both secular and faith backgrounds, from Christian to Jewish, Mormon to Muslim.
Making it clear that the campaign is not against anyone, the site provides information in key areas: civil rights, kids, churches, education, public health, faith, and society, showing that Prop. 8 is about much more than marriage alone. It also shows how young people can take action for Prop. 8.
Working in partnership with the statewide campaign of Yes on, also directs users to MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and BlueChowder, encouraging young people to register to vote, get informed about Prop. 8, and tell their friends to vote Yes on 8.
Posted by
lisa c.
10:30 AM
The Divine Institution of Marriage...
This last week was motivational for me. I was able to work the phones in calling those in the San Diego to encourage them to vote Yes on Proposition 8. Wednesday night was a fireside broadcast by church leaders from Salt Lake City, encouraging and outlining the ways the church is helping in this effort. Firstly, I am so grateful to know that God cares about this matter, that we are in a unique situation, place and time. I have talked to some people who are under the assumption that this Proposition will take away rights of homosexual couples. It DOES NO SUCH thing. This proposition defines what marriage will be in the state of California. California recognizes same sex civil unions, allowing those couples to receive the same benefits, tax status, rights, recognition as any other couple who are domestic partners or that have civil unions, heterosexual couples included in that. The taking away of rights IS NOT THE ISSUE.
I don't understand why folks who have rejected the traditional marriage definition want to TAKE AWAY MY RIGHTS TO BELIEVE THAT MARRIAGE IS ONLY BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN. And they have rejected it. There was a choice involved in this. And now MY CHOICE TO BELIEVE IN TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE is being threatened. I have every right granted under the US Constitution to believe and practice my religion the way I want. I have every right to go to a church that teaches what I believe, not what the state mandates I need to accept. I cannot believe, that we in California are allowing 4 judges to mandate what we believe. I truly believe, that if this proposition passes, it will be like turning over my beliefs to the state. The state could then mandate what marriages must be performed in church buildings, what children must learn in public schools. I DO NOT WANT MY CHILDREN taught that same-sex marriage is an equally recognized institution to traditional marriage. I would pull my children from public school before I allowed them to be taught that. It goes against my religious beliefs. The state courts are on the edge of infringing on our religious beliefs and rights. This is our opportunity to stand up and be a voice of reason when our court systems seem to be lacking in that.
Posted by
lisa c.
9:14 AM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Even Further North...
What can be more exciting than a trip to somewhere new? A trip that includes BYU football of course! So Cassie and I went to Seattle (I have been there, but it's been a while and I don't remember much of what we did except maybe a human pyramid?). I have an aunt and uncle that kindly let us stay with them. And we tried to jam pack in as much as possible in the 2 days we were there. We got in on Friday morning after an extremely early flight out of San Diego (who was the crazy that planned that one and it's even more crazy that we found someone to take us to the airport that early!). Our first stop, after the rental car...downtown Seattle and the space needle! We tried to hit up as many tourist spots as possible in the one day we could devote to sight seeing. We went to the space needle, where our view was fantastic. We all associate Seattle with rain, but that weekend it was so clear, nice temperature and green! So beautiful. And we could tell that we were not the only BYU fans traipsing around..we met them all at the top of the space needle! Randomly, we met the people we were sitting next to at the game the next day:)
Next, we hit up the duck tour. This consisted of us getting onto an old WW2 floatable bus. It drove us around the tourist spots in downtown, with a crazy bus driver telling us of the history and stats about the city. This guy was so funny. I hope my video uploads to show you. We drove over a bridge that I'm blanking on the name of, to the other side of a lake that sits next Seattle. We then DROVE into the lake. The bus converted into a boat and took us for a boat tour of Seattle. It was awesome. The best way to quickly see Seattle in my opinion.
We then headed down to Pikes Market, where we walked around the many floors containing trinkets, home made items, food, fish, candy, clothing vendors and anything else you could think of. Again, the BYU fans were abundantly clear and ran into our game mates again. Cassie and I found this pasta that is flavored like chocolate. I of course bought some, anything chocolate works for me. I tried it after getting back to San Diego and not too bad. Interesting to eat chocolate pasta.
That night we met up with my aunt and uncle for dinner on the waterfront. Thanks again Kathy and Tim! It was fun to catch up and visit with the sun going down over the water, with the mountains across the sound in the background. I may not have seen Seattle in the rainy months, but it was gorgeous then and I thought, I could live here. Maybe, who knows where life will take me.
The next day...was the big event. BYU vs. Washington Huskies. My aunt and uncle were going as well, so we went early with them to the BYU tailgate party and then went and found our seats. Admittedly they were pretty high up, but we had a great view of the entire field and game. It was exciting, maybe a little too exciting for my comfort. BYU finally won the game by blocking Washington's point after attempt, 28-27. A little too close for comfort, but we'll take the win (and look at where they are now!)
After the game, my aunt and uncle again showed us the town, by taking us to the Puyallup(?) fair. We ate, walked around, checked out the livestock, and saw some really huge pumpkins. I had to buy something locally grown, so I got some Apple Spice honey creme. So good on hot toast. It was really fun to be there and see my family, who I hadn't seen in a while. So nice of them to let us stay. We left Seattle early on Sunday morning, making it back in time for church and the sunday school lesson I had to teach:)
Posted by
lisa c.
4:27 PM
The Great State of NorCal...
I know, it has been a while since you have heard from me. How does life get so busy and crazy? I don't know, but I have been told (mainly by my mom and sister) that an update is in order, since I live such an exciting life! (j/k, it's active, but maybe too crazy). So first update...going north!
I have a friend who likes to pretend that NorCal isn't even there, that it's part of the, i'm sure, wonderful state of Oregon. Well, it's there and maybe sometimes us northerners wish we were a separate state from the crazies down her in SoCal:) But in any case..I went north to visit the fam the weekend before my birthday. My sister Brigitte and her baby, my nephew, were there as well. While there, we ate the best Chinese food, went to the zoo, hung out with my nephew, went to church and saw friends..picked up my tickets to the Washington/BYU football game I was headed to the next week. It was nice to be home. I hadn't seen Logan since his blessing earlier in the spring, so it was fun to see him attempting to roll over and playing and being a very well behaved boy at the zoo and church. He's a good little guy!
While home, I got birthday gifts that are much appreciated. My mom bought me a really cute dress and bag, they've been put to good use. My sister Celia made my a quilt this summer and it is wonderful! I need to post a picture of it. I'm serious when i saw it's a work of art. She put so much time into this quilt. I had to keep it out for all my friends to see when I got back to San Diego.
I love tigers! I think they're a beautiful cat, but this one was kind of lazy! And the giraffes...apparently they had a surprise baby cute!
We got them to stand up...for Julia!
Posted by
lisa c.
4:11 PM