Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gone With The Wind...Tennessee style

When I was younger, I always wanted to be a southern belle. Not sure why, but I loved the movie Gone With The Wind and I love the Civil War era. So I guess it makes sense that I always wanted to be the belle of a huge southern plantation, that included a house with huge columns and lots of open fields for the front yard. I got to see them in Tennessee. Celia and I sought after our dreams by visiting the Rippavilla Plantation, Carter house and the Carnton plantation in Franklin Tennessee.
First Rippavilla Plantation:

One day my house?

At the Carter house, we found the headquarters for the Union soldiers who were going to be participating in the Battle of Franklin Re-enactment taking place later. Yes, we were there for a re-enactment. It was great!!


LA Adams said...

Wayyyyy Cool!!!!!!